Anne Haw Holt Ph.D., writing as A. H. Holt‘s
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#Cowboys and Indians #Cowboy #American Indian #Hero #Horsemen #Cattlemen #Western #Wild West #Cowboy Poetry #Romance #Frontier #History #Historical #West #Midwest #Family Friendly #Texas #Panhandle #Colorado #Arizona #Kansas #Missouri #American West #American Midwest #American Frontier #Americana #Teacher #Teaching #Writing #Author #Writer #Poet #Suspense #Adventure #Action Adventure #Thriller
Silver Creek
By A. H. Holt
Six years ago John Garrett left home, swearing he would never return. But his father is in trouble. Their neighbor, Tim Hostetter has been murdered. His riders are gone and Garrett cattle are grazing his range. One of Russ Blaine’s riders is killed, and another is wounded. Mason Garrett and Rafe Willis are pushing Blaine hard to sell Silver Creek. They need the water. Would Garrett kill to get it? Heading home, John shoots a bully in a desperately poor town and is wounded escaping the sheriff’s posse.
Watching the hills for bushwhackers, Andrea Blaine finds John and helps him hide on the mountain. John joins Del Ketchum, cattleman turned deputy sheriff, to search for the real killers and try to clear his father’s name.
Riding Fence
By A. H. Holt
Rustlers pushed a herd of Triangle Eight cows and horses through the broken fence. Dan Smithson tracked them til almost dark. He camped and planned to sleep until dawn, but he heard a strange sound. His colt ready in his left hand, he pushed the bushes to one side. A girl and a baby boy huddled there together in the dark, crying for their Pa, who was nowhere to be found.
Andre Devereaux paid well for his brother’s daughter to be kidnapped and killed so he could inherit the family estate, but she was still alive, caring for the little boy Devereaux had recently made an orphan. It was time to find them and carry out his unfinished business.
Dan must recover the Eight’s cattle and horses, and protect Anne Marie from her crazed uncle until he can return her safely to her father, a journey that will take him over rough land, with little for protection but his wits and his rifle.
By A. H. Holt
Wayne Kendrick is suspicious. His best friend, Jim Carson, has suddenly disappeared, and Jim’s claim has been taken over by The Blake Mining Company, which claims the land was abandoned.
When Wayne meets with Jim’s family, he finds the reason for his friend’s sudden disappearance: he has been kidnapped! Reading a ransom note that Jim’s family has discovered, Wayne promises he’ll bring Jim home safely, aware even as he makes the oath that if his friend isn’t dead already, he will be once the ransom has been paid.
Wayne reasons that The Blake Mining Company has a part in Jim’s disappearance and decides to spy on them. Disguising himself as a miner and buying space on Jim’s land, he sets up his camp and begins his investigation. When Wayne befriends Davis, an abandoned African-American boy, he is led to a secret mine hidden within a mountain. Inside the mine, he is shocked to discover chained slaves forced to work the mine for their kidnappers.
Risking both slavery and death, Wayne Kendrick faces off against the slavers to save both his friend’s life and the lives of the other slaves.
Blood Redemption
By A. H. Holt
Long-legged and powerful, Wes Lane’s palomino leads Red Thornton’s black by barely a length. As Red’s horse quickens, its legs bunching close to its belly, Wes slams his quirt down with every gallop. The black runs steady, advancing until its nose is even with the palominos…In the race as in life, cousins Red and Wes are bitter rivals–Wes the spoiled heir of the sprawling White Willow Ranch and Red the son of a humble rancher. In the heat of an argument, Wes is poised to murder an unconscious Red, but, in a panic, kills the onlooking barkeep instead. Red awakens to find himself framed for Wes’s crime and is quickly sentenced and sent off to Yuma. Released from his false imprisonment, Red returns home to find Wes forced into hiding, White Willow taken over by a gang of outlaws, and his own prized mustangs stolen. Setting out to retrieve his property and clear his name no matter the challenge, Red’s plans begin to unfold. But when the outlaws kidnap Wes’s son, Red must forget revenge and join with his enemy to save the innocent child.
Blanco Sol
By A. H. Holt
King Sutherland is dead—at least that’s what both friend and foe assume. The war ended almost a year ago, yet King was seriously wounded after the surrender, delaying his return home. Recently recovered, he is on his way back to Texas and the Blanco Sol ranch. Things have changed during his five-year absence. Outlaws stripped the homestead of its herd of Durango White horses and former flame Mercedes
Alvaraz is married to Clint Sutherland, King’s brother.
Complicating an already strained union, Mercedes’ father is ready to take
over the ranch by force, insisting that he has a rightful claim to Blanco Sol,
and Clint is accused of robbing stages and wagon trains and murdering the
passengers, even women and little children.
Sue Ellen, a proud rebel beauty, steals King’s heart, but she hates him
because he chose to fight for the Union. King is determined to not only win
her affection, but clear his brother’s name and collect a herd of wild Spanish
cattle to drive north to the railhead in order to prevent the ranch from being
stolen out from under him.
Ten in Texas
By A. H. Holt
Camping overnight in a draw on the newly released lands of the old XIT Ranch, Will Gantry suddenly feels an odd and welcome sense of belonging. He becomes friends with Dan, a deputy-sheriff, a beautiful woman and a young boy. He begins to make solid plans for the future that include an old cowboy named Pete and the professor. Will decides his idea of wandering down to Old Mexico can wait — maybe forever.
High Plains Fort
By A. H. Holt
Riding west to find a new life for himself and his beloved Amelia, Justin faces murderers on the trail. In Bent’s Fort, he finds friends, but also a traitor planning to take the fort with the help of the Comanche. Warned, he prepares the fort and its people for the attack.
The XIT Ranch: How Texas Traded Land for a State House.on
By A. H. Holt
This is the wild story of how Texas traded land for their Texas capitol building. This is the paper that inspired Anne’s Ten In Texas novel.
Four Faces of Death
By A. H. Holt
The Four Faces of Death is a compilation of short stories by Anne Haw Holt. Each tale visits with death, each in a different facet ranging from the mundane to the bizarre. Vengeance, decay, nostalgia and madness await you.
The Malefactors
By A. H. Holt
The Malefactors is an epic tale spanning the lifetime of its characters. Set in Biblical Palestine during the time of Christ, the story follows the life and times of two thieves. With ancient Jerusalem as its background, the inhabitants of the story move from the brutal life of a highwayman to the warmth and security of family and to the ultimate betrayal and a shattering revelation.
Beautiful Places, Monticello & Jefferson County Florida
By Anne Haw Holt PhD.
Beautiful Places is a gentle reminiscence blended with the heartfelt musings of a woman blessed to have experienced them. It is a rediscovery of our southern heritage and a renewal of our fascination with the wonders of our ancient world. Dr. Holt’s photographs delightfully recreate her experiences and adventures in the small town of Monticello, an eclectic town with a rich, but little known history nestled in the natural beauty of Jefferson County, Florida.
Grant Writing Step by Step
By Anne Haw Holt PhD.
Created for Dr. Anne H. Holts’ class on grant writing, Grant Writing Step By Step shows how to collect the information you need to apply for grants for any project. Following the method outlined in this book, you will develop the confidence to find and apply for grants to pay for your goals.
From Writer to Author
By Anne Haw Holt PhD.
A simple walk through on how to edit and present your finished manuscript
to a publisher. A clear, simple and usable guide to the final revision of your
manuscript before submitting your work to an agent or publisher. Including
how to create a query letter, a written pitch and a verbal pitch of your work.
Created and tested by a published author and writing teacher. This book will
put you at the desk with your agent or editor as she reads your manuscript
eliminating the need of hiring an editor.
#Cowboys and Indians #Cowboy #American Indian #Hero #Horsemen #Cattlemen #Western #Wild West #Cowboy Poetry #Romance #Frontier #History #Historical #West #Midwest #Family Friendly #Texas #Panhandle #Colorado #Arizona #Kansas #Missouri #American West #American Midwest #American Frontier #Americana #Teacher #Teaching #Writing #Author #Writer #Poet #Suspense #Adventure #Action Adventure #Thriller