About Me – A. H. Holt

Anne 004


Anne Haw Holt (A.H.Holt) is a Virginian transplanted to a 1910 “Cracker” cottage in the tiny town of Monticello, Florida. She attended Piedmont Virginia Community College and received her BA from Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, VA in 1989. She holds a MA in Historical Administration and Public History and a Ph.D. in History from Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. Her dissertation is on Florida’s convict-lease system and prisons. Men, Women and Children in the Stockade, A History of Florida Prisons – 1821-1925.

Anne is an accomplished storyteller and photographer. She writes fiction, poetry, and non-fiction on writing, history, parenting and Frontier Florida. Dr. Holt writes grants in support of Main Street Monticello’s goals of revitalizing Monticello and Jefferson County Florida while protecting and preserving its history and culture. She teaches writing, grant writing, writing and leadership. Her fiction is historically based and family friendly.

Books by Anne Haw Holt Ph.D. aka, A. H. Holt


Storytelling, Hawks Rise Elementary School, Tallahassee. Creative Writing: Fiction, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Senior Reading Group, Tallahassee Senior Center. Mary Esther FL Public Library. Niceville, FL Public Library. VSA Arts Training Conference, Training in Finding and Telling Family Stories. Grant Writing, Florida State University. Valdosta Public Library, Valdosta, GA, Writing Fiction. Carrollton School, Carrollton, FL, Writing Fiction. Wakulla Middle School, Medart, FL, Writing Fiction. Featured Author, Amelia Island Book Festival, Roanoke City Library, Roanoke, VA, Roddenberry Library, Cairo, GA, Thomasville Library, Thomasville, GA, Lively Technical College, Tallahassee, FL, Sponsor, Artist in Schools. Warren County Tennessee Schools, Magness Community Center and Library, McMinnville, TN. Gridley, KS Public Library, New Strawn, KS Public Library, Altoona-Midway Public Schools, Altoona, KS, Uniontown Elementary School, Uniontown, KS. Magness Library, McMinnville, Tennessee, “Writing Fiction.” First Coast Writers Conference, Jacksonville, FL, “Writing and Promoting Fiction” and “Clean Up Your Writing.” Much Ado About Books, Jacksonville, FL- “Writing and publishing Good Stories,” Two Jacksonville public schools.

Anne’s presentations also include “Women as Heroes,” “Mothers and Fathers in Prison,” “Women and Children in the Stockade,” “Personal Leadership,” “Grant Writing,” “Restorative Justice,” “Building a Story,” “Clean Up Your Writing,” and “Building Your Non-Fiction Book.”

Anne now works as Program Manager for Main Street Monticello and Jefferson County Florida. Her goals include creating events and situations that attract people to Monticello and other Jefferson County towns and obtain funding to revitalize Monticello, Lamont, Lloyd, Waukeenah, Aucilla and other small towns in the county.

Education Director for Florida Agricultural Museum (1 year masters internship, one year volunteer). Created and instituted education program in partnership with Department of Agriculture testing labs with programming for adults and school children. Worked with curator on acquisition, cataloging and preservation of artifacts. Researched images in a large photographic collection donated by the Florida Department of Forestry. Researched history of Naval stores and Florida Cattle industry for exhibits. Wrote National Register Nomination for Florida’s first Farmer’s Market, created by the WPA.

Project manager and community liaison for Reading Family Ties–Face to Face, Florida Department of Corrections. Created computer/video-visiting program for incarcerated mothers and their minor children. Designed program and wrote grant — funded by TOP grant from the US Department of Commerce, through the National Telecommunication Infrastructure Administration at $300,000. Obtained matching funds of $435,000 from the Florida Department of Corrections and a partner, The Alliance for Media Arts in Miami, FL. Handled public relations for the project and supervised three coordinators, two teachers and one administrative assistant.

Author, Parenting From Inside, created curriculum and textbook for a 28-session parenting class including building self-esteem, communication skills, and anger management. This curriculum is used in several state departments of corrections including Florida’s.

AMERICORE VISTA and AMERICORE VISTA LEADER for Florida, assigned to Florida Department of Corrections. Designed Reading Family Ties program for incarcerated fathers. Obtained $30,000 grant from the Commission for Responsible Fatherhood and the Ounce of Prevention Fund. Served as consultant to choose reading material. Designed pre/post survey instrument for gathering information on inmate’s children. Wrote and edited video script describing program.

Designed Building Family Ties program for incarcerated parents, obtained $22,000 grant with 2nd year renewal $20,000, from Florida Children and Family Services. Served as administrator of program. Building Family Ties included eighty-hour parenting program, 180 parents participated. The class included journal/letter writing, building self-esteem, communication skills and anger management. Parents read a story on tape to their children. Program uses Pre/post Rosenberg Self-Esteem and Holt Survey.

Treasurer, Speaker and Administrator, Congress of Graduate Students, Florida State University, established permanent funding for organization, obtained offices and meeting rooms for group’s use. Supervised six student employees. Served as volunteer lobbyist, handled public relations and publicity. Created and administered the following special programs:

Presentation Grant, designed program, developed permanent funding, and administered program, pays $300.00 travel expenses for 200+ students to present papers at academic conferences annually.

Conference Travel Grant, designed program, developed permanent funding, and administered Program, pays $100 for 100 students to attend academic conferences annually.

Ph.D. Research Grant, designed program, developed permanent funding for program, awards $500.00 for research expenses to 60 students annually in competition.

Grant Writing Seminar, designed program, developed funding and administered program that was presented four times annually, free for students at FSU and FAMU with a modest fee for members of the community.


Blood Redemption, ISBN 978-0803498907, Avalon Books, Thomas Bouregy, Co, Inc. NY, 2008

“Life Just Happens,” How I Met My Sweetheart, Amani Publishing, Tallahassee, 2007

Riding Fence, novel, ISBN 0803498012, Avalon Books, Thomas Bouregy, Co, Inc. NY, 2006

Blanco Sol, novel, ISBN 0803496001, Avalon Books, Thomas Bouregy, Co., Inc., NY, 2005

Kendrick, novel, ISBN 0803406508, Avalon Books, Thomas Bouregy, Co., Inc., NY, 2004

Silver Creek, novel, ISBN 0803496001 Avalon Books, Thomas Bouregy, Co., Inc., NY, 2003

Review; Mary McLeod Bethune: Building a Better World, edited by Audrey Thomas McCluskey and Elaine M. Smith, Southern Historian, Volume XXIV, Spring 2003, pp 91-93.

“Reading Family Ties for Men,” Video script produced by Florida Department of Corrections, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida. 2003

“My Friend: In a Grain of Truth,” Apollo’s Lyre, New Ink, Volume I, Issue 3, March 10, 2003

Parenting From Inside, Handbook and Curriculum, Florida Department of Corrections, Programs Department, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida, 2002

101 Ways: to Finance a Student Organization, editor, Congress of Graduate Students, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida (distributed by the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students) 1998


Speech: Tallahassee Writers Association, Inc. Speaker Series, “Are You a Secret Writer”

Paper: Academic Governance Conference, Florida State University, “Perceptions of Graduate Student Activities as a Determinant in Building a University Graduate Program.”

Paper: Graduate Forum, Florida International University, “Graduate Student Empowerment.”

Paper: Graduate/Professional Student Conference, University System of Georgia, University of Georgia, “Developing a State-wide Graduate/Professional Student Organization.”

Speech: Florida International University, Graduate Students Scholarly Forum, Keynote Speaker, “Developing and Funding a Graduate/Professional Student Organization.”

Paper: Florida Historical Society, “Women in The Florida Prison System, 1845-1923.”

Speech: Southeastern Regional Conference, National Association of Graduate and Professional Students, “Intellectual Property Issues in U.S. Universities.”

Speech: Jefferson Correctional Inst., Florida Department of Corrections, “Women as Heroes.”

Paper: Native American History Conference, Florida State University, “Native American and Black: Slavery in Colonial New England.

Speech: “Clean Up Your Writing, ” Tallahassee Writers Association


Senator, Arts and Sciences, Florida State University, (FSU) Student Government

Southeast Regional Coordinator and Member, Board of Directors, National Association of Graduate and Professional Students, (NAGPS)

Chair, Health Insurance Committee, NAGPS

Vice-President, Florida Congress of Graduate Students, (FCOGS)

President, FCOGS

Founder, Treasurer and Speaker, Congress of Graduate Students, (COGS), Florida State University

Representative, Arts and Sciences, FSU/COGS

VISTA, Florida Department of Corrections

VISTA Coordinator, Florida Department of Corrections


Student Health Insurance (4 years),

Graduate Center Building (3 years),

Activity and Service Fee (2 years)

Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention, (3 years)

Child Care Services, (3 years)

Student Life Building (3 years)

Differential Tuition (2 years)

Problem Gambling (2 years)


Sheila Ortyl, Director, Mary Esther Public Library,Your presentation was fun, thought-provoking and informative. We had only positive comments from patrons who attended. You made everyone feel comfortable and not afraid to ask questions.

Carrol Wolverton, Past President North Florida Writers, “I found her presentation to be clear, direct, focused and extremely helpful. I heard comments such as “I didn’t know that” coming from the audience. In addition, she is most approachable and outgoing as a presenter, and the audience related well to her message. I rarely keep the materials distributed by a speaker. I kept hers and referred to it in writing this letter.”

Mike S. Zbailey, President, Virginia Writer’s Club, Anne Holt’s “talk was both interesting and educational and I’m sure that it provided our writers with some additional insights into getting published as well as a good shot of inspiration for their own writing efforts.”

Evelyn Ploumis-Devick, Ph.D., FSU, Anne Holt’s “special presentation on grant development, budget and writing strategies was excellent in every way. My students sincerely appreciated the time you spent sharing your expertise and were extremely complimentary of your presentation and the very valuable presentation reference documents you prepared.”

Stephen K. Beard, Project Manager, Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Florida, Anne Holt “met with a group of fourth graders. She did a wonderful job of keeping their interest while talking about her books, [and] her inspirations. Ms. Holt easily kept the attention of the kids and the teacher for almost 90 minutes as she created a wonderful learning experience. Later she enthralled [almost 200] 7th and 8th graders and answered numerous questions.”

Anne C. Petty, Ph.D., author/speaker/publisher, “Anne is a dynamic speaker, making direct eye contact with her audience and engaging their attention with a personable, straightforward style that makes it easy to follow the points she wishes to make. She has a natural speaking style that sets the audience at ease and creates an atmosphere of congeniality, even in a large conference setting accommodating many people.

Professional References:

Neil Betten, Ph.D., Florida State University, History Dept. Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200

Phone 850-644-9534 – e-mail nbetten@yahoo.com

Donald Horward, Ph.D., Florida State University, History Dept, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200 Phone 850-644-9520 – email dhorward@mailer.fsu.edu

Evelyn Ploumis-Devick, Ph.D., Florida State University, and Fl. Department of Corrections, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500, Phone 850-562-1334 – e-mail epdevick@comcast.net

Contact–A. H. Holt

e-mail: ahholt@ahholt.com



Anne Haw Holt was born in Richmond, Virginia. She graduated from Piedmont Community College in Charlottesville in 1987 and Mary Baldwin College in Staunton in 1989. Anne completed her Masters degree in Historical Administration and Public History and is now a candidate for a doctorate in History at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.

Her days include hours writing stories, articles and poems mixed with reading and searching for books about western America. She is also doing research on her thesis on the development of the Florida Prison System. Anne lives in Tallahassee with her high school sweetheart Bob Webb, and spends her leisure time enjoying her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.



Anne presents “Women as Heroes,” “Mothers and Fathers in Prison,” “How to build a story,” “Leadership,” “Proposal Writing, Grant Writing, and Budgeting.” She also offers readings from her novel, short stories, children’s stories and poetry.




Courtney Norman

    Anne H. Holt is beginning a new career as a novelist at sixty-eight. Avalon Books will publish her first novel, Silver Creek, ISBN 0-8034-9600-1, “an old fashioned western” in June 2003.

Question: How does it feel to have your novel published?

Answer: It’s exciting to begin a new career at any time of life. But think of this–when you’re nearly seventy this world seems much too ready to throw you away as useless. So signing the contract to publish my first novel at this time is beyond thrilling. Probably the greatest thing about it is that I’m suddenly a little bit of a celebrity to my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren—not to mention my friends.

Question: When you wrote the book, how long did take you to find a publisher, and did you have an agent?

Answer: I began Silver Creek in June of 2002 and finished it in August. I was extremely fortunate. I followed all the guidelines carefully and sent the requested information with a query letter to three publishers. I think that was in August. Fortunately, Avalon Books was one of them. They requested a copy of the manuscript and after a few weeks they called and offered me a contract. No, I didn’t have an agent.

Question: Why did you write a Western?

Answer: That’s easy. My father taught me to love books and he often read Westerns. From an early age I read Zane Grey, E. M. Bower, Janice Holt Giles, Emerson Hough, Jackson Gregory, Peter B. Kyne, and all the other wonderful western writers, including Louis L’Mour, Don Coldsmith and Elmer Kelton. The list is long and I’ve left out many great ones. It’s simple really—my heroes are still cowboys.

Question: How do you know what to write about riding horses, tending cattle, cooking over a campfire, and guns.

Answer: That’s easy too. Really it is. I grew up on a big farm in Virginia. We always owned and worked horses and cattle. And I’ve been camping. Heck, we cooked on a wood stove at my house until I was a grown girl. I’ve also saddled a horse and had to fight the ornery brute to stay on his back. I’ve rounded up cows on horseback and I’ve owned guns since I was a child. My life experience helps me tremendously. But don’t forget that I’m training to be a historian. I avidly read the history of Western America and collect books on the subject. When I’m not sure of something I do my research.

Question: That reminds me–I understand you’re a student. Where do you go to school? Are you seeking a degree?

Answer: I attend Florida State University here in Tallahassee. I’m in the History Department. My department has exceptionally talented professors and my fellow graduate students are superior. It’s a stimulating environment. I am seeking a degree. I have passed my infernal exams, both written and oral, to become a candidate for the Doctorate. I’m writing my dissertation on how public opinion and pressures by the people of Florida affected the development of the Florida Prison System.

Question: Why are you doing this? I mean, why would you do the work required to earn a Ph.D. at this time in your life? Do you intend to teach?

Answer: I think the better question is why shouldn’t I. I’m doing what I want to do. I enjoy learning and studying. I would be studying even if I weren’t in school, so I might as well put it all together and earn a degree. To tell the truth, I sometimes feel a little insulted when people ask me that question. I would enjoy teaching, but I do this because I enjoy it, and I can. In fact, I’m pretty good at it. It’s as simple as that.

Question: Would you tell me what else you write? Are you writing a new book? Will you tell me something about it?

Answer: I write poetry, a lot of poetry. I’ve had a few poems published and I’ve done lots of readings. I’m trying to get a book of poetry published now. Some of the writing I’m proudest of is the proposal part of several grants I wrote to develop “Reading Family Ties” programs, and some children’s stories.

You asked about my new book. It’s a new western. My working title is “The Claim Jumpers.” I decided to write this one in the first person. Somehow I thought it would be easier. Boy, is it difficult. It’s shaping up though. I think it’s going to be good. Please wait until I send it to my editor before I start giving away the story.

Question: You’ve been more than patient Anne, so I’ll make this my last question. Are you planning to do a book tour?

Answer: I’m doing a series of mini-book tours. No one knows or loves my book as I do, so I have to do all I can. If I don’t show that I’m proud enough of my book to work hard to help it find readers, I’ll be letting my self, Avalon Books and “Silver Creek” down.



Web Sites about A. H. Holt, author of Silver Creek, Articles, Short Stories, Poetry



AH Holt Author of Silver Creek – An old fashioned Western Novel

AHHOLT SILVER CREEK. An old fashioned Western Novel. AH HOLT. COMING JUNE 2003 IN HARDBACK FROM AVALON BOOKS. … Excerpt from SILVER CREEK. By AH Holt. Chapter One. …      www.ahholt.com/

 American Western Magazine – ReadTheWest.com – What our readers … . AH Holt Tallahassee, FL USA 06 Apr 2003 Thank you for your service to western … Living down here in flat Florida is okay, but I sure do envy ya’ll …


THE OPENING LINE WRITERS’ RESOURCE … Mark Woodward, Swindon, Wilts, Short Fiction. AH HOlt, Tallahassee, FL, USA, Novels. Philip Fletcher, Todmorden, UK, Biography Writing. Simon …


Cowboy Poetry AH.Holt Silver Creek-A Novel of The Old West … Benton’s Bad Man. By Anne Haw Holt. Jake blew into Benton from down south some place. … Song Dogs. By Anne Haw Holt. Old man coyote has many whims,. he means no harm. …


New Ink … Prose Poem My Friend: In a Grain of Truth by Anne Haw Holt. … Daddy reached over and held my hand under the table … Bio: AH Holt is a Ph.D. student at FSU in Florida …


 About AH.Holt the Author of Silver Creek-Avalon Books-Amazon …

 AH.Holt-Silver Creek richmond virginia florida state university tallahasse florida western america bob webb courtney norman my heroes are still cowboys avalon …


FSU Graduate Student and great-grandmother will publish first result in new… CONTACT: Anne Haw Holt 2636 W. Mission Road # 146 allahassee, Florida 32304 Phone 850-576-0721, http://www.ahholt.com      www.prweb.com/releases/2003/3/prweb59886.php

Florida State University Graduate student, a great-grandmother, … [Open this result in new window      … In a world that often seems to prefer that people over sixty-five be neither seen nor heard, that’s beyond exciting.” Anne Haw Holt is a Ph.D. candidate in …


Amanda Brucki, 20030322. Amy Victoria Nichol, 20021229. Andy Attebery, 20030327. Anne Haw Holt, 20030130. antiquey, 20030129. Antonio Forte, anymouse, 2003???? …


A holt (author) on AuthorsDen  … Additional Information. Silver Creek is my first novel. I also write articles, mostly about parents in prison, as Anne Haw Holt. .      www.authorsden.com/ahholt

Yahoo! Groups : internet-authors Messages : 1464-1493 of 1494 … 1473, Re: slaes tax, Steve and April Love, sacbiloveapril, Fri 2/21/2003, 4 KB. 1474, Review of Silver Creek, Anne Haw Holt aholt@g… rhymer68, Mon 3/3/2003, 3 KB. .    www.groups.yahoo.com/group/internet-authors/messages

Television and Radio Talk Show Guests: Detailed View… Anne Haw Holt is a Ph.D. candidate in history at Florida State University. She is about one-third through her research and writing.


A holt (author) on AuthorsDen —a real page turner.”. Avalon Books Publisher, Westerns, Silver Creek by AH.Holt ISBN# 0-8034-9600-1 Publication date–June 2003. …     www.authorsden.com/ahholt

Silver Creek … ISBN 0-8034-9600-1, available in June from your favorite bookseller. Keep Reading: Silver Creek, an old fashioned Western by AH Holt. Follow Ups: Post a Followup. ..


FSU Graduate Student and great-grandmother will publish first …850-576-0721, http://www.ahholt.com ahholt@garnet.acns.fsu.edu  Silver Creek, by AH.Holt (ISBN# 0-8034-9600-1), Publisher: Avalon Books Tallahassee, Florida …


Florida State University Graduate student, a great-grandmother, …

Summary: AH.Holt, a 68 year old great-grandmother and graduate student writes Silver Creek, an old fashioned western, ISBN 0-8034-9600-1, The book will be .. www.free-press-release.com/news/200303/1046826934.html

Amazon.fr : Silver Creek … (permet de créer votre liste cadeaux) Vos z’envies cadeaux. Silver Creek de AH Holt Notre prix : EUR 19,18 / 125,81 FF Cet article paraîtra le 1 juin 2003. …


 Allreaders.com AH Holt Club … AH Holt – Silver Creek …     www.allreaders.com/Topics/info_16023.asp

The Western Web Search Engine . Handcast pewter on wine glasses, na … 2/23/2003, Silver Creek Silver Creek, by AH Holt, is an old fashioned western with a little mystery, a    www.searchthewesternweb.com/default.asp?NAV=3&CatID=553

Television and Radio Talk Show Guests: Detailed View  … Book Description: FSU Grad student, a great-grandmother, will publish first novel in June http://www.ahholt.com Silver Creek, by AH.Holt ISBN0-8034-9600-1 …      www.tartsg.com/cgi-bin/db/detail.cgi?ID=604

 Working Cowboy.COM … Buck Taylor Art, The Publicity Machine.biz. Plum Creek Filmworks, … RW Ranch Furniture, Silver Screen Cowboys. … Gail Guenther, Cowboy Legends. AH Holt Author. …


Amazon.co.jp: Silver Creek (Avalon Western) . Silver Creek (Avalon Western) AH Holt (著) US 定価: $19.95 円相当額: ¥2,341 価格:¥1,990 OFF: ¥351 (15%) …


 Avalon Books – Upcoming Releases     … AN AVALON WESTERN, Silver Creek by AH Holt. Six years ago John Garrett left home, swearing he would never return. But his father is in trouble. … www.avalonbooks.com/upcoming.html

 Home Important News! About FFS FFS Guidelines Add Your Site … … Silver Creek, old fashioned western by AH Holt, Silver Creek is an old fashioned western with mystery, romance, fast-paced action, and a handsome cowboy. …


AWARD SITES! Other Type Novels by New Authors  AH Holt, Agent: n/a. Listed: 2/26/03. Silver Creek (Avalon – 6/03) An old fashioned western with a little mystery, a little romance, lots of fast-paced action and …


 HUNTRESS’ BOOK REVIEWS1     Author: AH Holt Title: Silver Creek (Western Fiction /Late May 2003) After being forced to gun down a corrupt sherriff’s nephew, John Garrett flees for his life .


BookZone – Literary Leaps — Bestsellers & Recommended  Literature, Mystery, Sci-Fi. AH Holt author of Silver Creek — Silver Creek (ISBN # 0-8034-9600-1)is an old fashioned western. It has a …


Promotion Index … By AH Holt, http://www.ahholt.com SILVER CREEK, ISBN 0-8034-9600-1 Available at your favorite bookseller in June Subscribe to Book Promotion Newsletter By ..


Western Writers and Author Links | ReadTheWest.com | American ..     … Jean Henry’s Sagebrush and Sleuths Will Henry Rita Hestand, Author – Romance writer’s homepage Derrell Hollis AH Holt – Author of Silver Creek, coming in June …


Authors – Literary 01 .. AH Holt [AA] – Author of Silver Creek, her days include hours writing stories, articles and poems mixed with reading and searching for books about western …


Amazon.com: About liasis: At a Glance … Wish List, Silver Creek (Avalon Western) by AH Holt List Price: $19.95. Buy new: $13.97 (You Save: 30%) Not yet released. Grace, Faith …



Web sites about Reading Family Ties-Parents in Prison

Mother’s Can Read To Children] – Prison Talk  – … Department of Corrections Program Strengthens Family Ties Department of Corrections Secretary Michael Moore said today “Reading Family Ties-Face to Face” is a …www.prisontalk.com/forums/archive/topic/5036.html

TIIAP FY 1999 Project Narrative



 – October 12, 1999 – 58

COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAMS  – … Core Personal Improvement Programs include: ° Family Development is designed to improve knowledge about … female offenders. A personal improvement pilot is Reading Family Ties Face -to-Face More results from: http://www6.myflorida.com/orginfo/comm_based.pdf

Correctional Compass March 2000 – Reading Family Ties – … next Reading Family Ties An inmate father records … The female version, called Reading Family Ties -Face to Face offers one-hour visits using … text suitable to the child’s reading level….

More results from: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/compass/0003/page07.html



2001 Protective Services Semifinalists

2001 Innovations in American Government Protective Services Semifinalists. … one million people. Reading Family Ties–Face to Face State of Florida The Reading Family Ties–Face to Face project


 Correctional Compass March 2000 – Reading Family Ties  – … Reading Family Ties. … Kicked off in 1998, Reading Family Ties allows male inmates to record their reading of stories onto audio tapes to send to their children. …


1st Quarter (PDF)  – 1 First Quarter, 2002 Volume 1, Issue 1 Volume 1, Issue 1 Volume 1, Issue 1 Volume 1, Issue 1 October 2001 Volume 16, Number 1 READING FAMILY tIES – FACE TO …


Regional Fatherhood Conferences  – … Parenting from a distance is difficult and challenging, and Reading Family Ties aims to … It has been offered in several prisons in Florida, both men’s and …


Press Release: Program to Strengthen Inmate Family Ties  – … Reading Family Ties – Face to Face” is a program designed to keep incarcerated mothers in touch with their children. The program …


      Abe Brown Ministries – Family Interaction  – Reading Family Ties—Face to Face The US Bureau of Justice estimates that two-thirds of incarcerated women are mothers of minor children. …


Columns: Storytime from prison; artist draws funny lines  – … Abe Brown Ministries and the US Bureau of Justice implemented the Reading Family Ties Face-to-Face program in June for mothers serving time in the Hernando


      Section 5. Update on Female Inmate Programs A. Background (PDF)  – … Cessation, Hobby Craft, Sports Leagues, Wellness Education Yoga A Gift for Teachers, Family Literacy Program, Reading, Family Ties- Face to Face, Women Helping …


    [Mother’s Can Read To Children] – Prison Talk  – … Department of Corrections Program Strengthens Family Ties Department of Corrections Secretary Michael Moore said today “Reading Family Ties-Face to Face” is a …


Reading Family Ties For Men – Fathers Behind Bars and on the Street

…by Anne Haw Holt. U.S. Department of Justice figures confirm that approximately two thirds of state inmates in the United States are fathers.

From: http://www.fcnetwork.org/fatherhood/holt.html

Dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://www.juniorhockeyradio.com/CNEWSFeatures0009/15_prison.html

Dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://www.canoe.ca/CNEWSFeatures0009/15_prison.html

Dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://cgi.canoe.ca/CNEWSFeatures0009/15_prison.html

Recent Practice Documents: December 2000

Reading Family Ties For Men: Program for Incarcerated Fathers, Florida Department Of Corrections, Anne Haw Holt, presented at the The North American…

From: http://fatherfamilylink.gse.upenn.edu/practice/recent/2012.htm

Agenda – Fathers Behind Bars and on the Street

Reading Family Ties for Men Anne Haw Holt, Program Consultant, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida The workshop will…

From: http://www.fcnetwork.org/fatherhood/f-agenda.html

dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/sailordad/dads_doing_time.htm

Hannibal Courier-Post Features – StoryMen behind bars strive to

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://www.hannibal.net/stories/091600/fea_0915000009.html

Hannibal Courier-Post Features – Story Men behind bars strive to

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://www.hannibal.net/stories/091800/fea_0915000009.html

Amarillo Globe-News: US & World News: Men behind bars strive to be

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…

From: http://amarillonet.com/stories/093000/usn_menbehind.shtml

Court TV Online – P E O P L E

… in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children ” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s corrections department. …


 – August 7, 2002 – 15 KB

The Florida Literacy Coalition

Florida’s portal for adult and family literacy, for programs, resources, and contacts. … person, to say, `I love you’ to their children ” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s corrections…


 – September 15, 2002 – 13 KB

Dads doing time

Canada and International News


 – November 30, 2002 – 33 KB

Agenda – Fathers Behind Bars and on the Street

… Reading Family Ties for Men. Anne Haw Holt, Program Consultant, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida …


 – May 7, 2002 – 79 KB

 Dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…


Dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…


Recent Practice Documents: December 2000

Reading Family Ties For Men: Program for Incarcerated Fathers, Florida Department Of Corrections, Anne Haw Holt, presented at the The North American http://fatherfamilylink.gse.upenn.edu/practice/recent/2012.htm

dads doing time

…have difficulty expressing their feelings in person, to say, ‘I love you’ to their children,” said Anne Haw Holt, a consultant to Florida’s…


 Florida State University–Graduate Student Activities–Intellectual Property–Mandatory Volunteerism

Untitled Document  – … Marks III, FSU alumnus. It was conducted by Anne Haw Holt on September 9, 1989. It centers around FSU history in the mid-1960’s


Florida — Congress of Graduate Students (COGS)

Union Tallahassee, FL 32306-4027 Phone: (904) 644-7166 E-mail: aholt@garnet.acns.fsu.edu (Anne Holt) Contact: Anne Haw Holt Arglenda Dorsey

From: http://www.umich.edu/~umgeo/GradDir/PartII/FL_COGS.html


Page 2 A Brief History of Graduate & Professional Student Appreciation Week In 1993, three students, Tony Rosati (Georgetown University), Gina Pearson (American University) & Anne Holt (Florida State University), all activists within NAGPS, wanted to…



Red Rock Eater Digest – intellectual property and graduate students

This message was forwarded through the Red Rock Eater News Service (RRE). Send any replies to the original author, listed in the From: field below. You are welcome to send the message along to others but please do not use the “redirect” command. For…



Red Rock Eater News Service: intellectual property and graduate students

intellectual property and graduate students Phil Agre (pagre@weber.ucsd.edu) Wed, 7 May 1997 07:05:01 -0700 (PDT) Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ] Next message: Phil Agre: “Top NEWSPEAK Stories of the Week #69” Previous…


Volunteer 101 Editorials:

Ashley Colvin, a political science and economics double major at New College in Sarasota, and a former member of FOCV’s Board of Advisors


Volunteer 101 Editorials:

A s schools of all types have begun to incorporate community service into their curriculums, a lot of concern has been raised about making service mandatory. The arguments against Mandated Service usually focus on claims…


NAGPS Publications Series

Publications to aid development of graduate and professional student organizations and their advocacy efforts, social activities, and benefits to students


aera-gsl: Intellectual Property – The Curse of the `90’s  – … You can learn some more about Intellectual Property Rights by going to the NAGPS Web site at http://www.nagps.org/NAGPS/ and clicking on the Focus Issues link .


Computer Underground Digest – Cu Digest, #9.36, Sun 11 May 97

…this past April 11-13, Anne Holt, former … Before parting, Anne & I wanted to remind all that with the future of Intellectual Property becoming…

From: http://commons.somewhere.com/cud/1997/Cu.Digest.9.36.Sun.11.Ma.html

Letter to Brian Milburn

…this past April 11-13, Anne Holt, former … Before parting, Anne & I wanted to remind all that with the future of Intellectual Property becoming…

From: http://venus.soci.niu.edu/~cudigest/CUDS9/cud936

Madison (tentative) 30-02-3 “The Intellectual Property Nightmare – A … Week,” Tony Rosati, Georgetown University and Anne Holt, Florida State…

From: http://artsci.wustl.edu/~gss/listserv/updates1997-09.txt
